27 February 2008


Gobusata! What could it be? Is it Go Lion 's long lost cousin, a Go-like board game, or ...

Gobusata(ご無沙汰)= long silence, neglecting to write or contact for a while.
Now that you know there is nothing exciting about the word, you might stop reading if you really were googling for Go Lion.
Well, the title word is really appropriate after such a long absence. I guess the usual excuse of busyness was the cause.

Surprisingly, despite not having any new posting in more than half a year, people still visit this blog. Even more surprisingly, one of the pages that has the most regular view is one of the least popular series in the sense that not many people would even know it exists. I suppose even fewer would write about it, and as one of the priviliged few, I got my fair share of traffic for it.

Well, the spring 2008 season is coming soon. Hopefully I can preview a few of the new series. For the few reader who happened to wander here, what's your most anticipated new series this coming spring ? For me, it's Code Geass second season.

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